In The Hearts of Men
thousands of years, a desperate struggle for power has raged on in most homes,
resulting in one partner or the other rising as a despotic dictator. One form
of despotism is the willful female, with her wimpy victim husband and terrified
brood of demoralized, psychotic or violently rebellious children. Such a female
dictatorship is as bad as the Fascist right-wing male, violently seeking to
retrieve his lost role as the authorized head of the home. Politically
speaking, the Fascist right wing constitutes the collective disenfranchised,
demoralized males' attempt to restore order from the chaos caused from the
permissiveness of female-centered homes and their socialist benefactors.
the United States we have recently seen Democrats playing the role of willful spoiling
females, with limp-wristed Republicans playing husbands, struggling and failing
in the game of sexual politics, in much the same way most fail in their
miserable home lives. Meanwhile, the people are like traumatized children
watching their parents fight over power and becoming polarized in their
allegiances into extreme left and right-leaning factions. In most countries of
the world, this kind of relationship leads to incurable civil wars, where the
winner invariably becomes the new dictator. Therefore the cure lies not in
politics but in the hearts of men.
War is the macrocosm of which a faulty marital relationship is the microcosm.
Wherever the center collapses the fringe left and fringe right move in to fill
the void, coming together in mortal conflict, where innocence cannot survive.
Were it not for the sovereign culture of the United States of America, World
War II would have plunged the entire world into permanent darkness. Alas,
Americans are now fallen from grace. The breakdown of values has produced the
collapse of the center, of responsibility and of family. Women have been
embittered and empowered and men disenfranchised, driven from fatherhood. We
are unwittingly falling into the time-honored trap, going the way of all
nations before us as they danced to the tune of the Pied Piper of sexual
politics. Yet there is hope; America can still fulfill our Founding Fathers'
The Undeclared War of Masculine And
Feminine Politics
emotional or excessively willful woman, married to a weak or equally
unprincipled ambitious man, exists in a war zone, struggling like a battling
dinosaur, the biggest meanest sinner always ruling the lesser; a family living
hell. The loser is filled with anxiety for surrendering his power to a
hate-object monster. Because a bigger beast is less of a person, the tyrants
also feel the pain of hell for what they have become. Both man and woman so
joined are under the compulsion to destroy one another and pass this legacy of
misery onto their children.
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