The Trouble with
America's Material Heart
security can never be spiritually satisfying. It keeps at bay a critical
missing element needed to complete the much-sought-after state of happiness.
Just as drinking saltwater makes one thirstier, so does dependence upon
material possessions cause dependence on its tyrannical source. True security,
a component of happiness, comes from independence rather than out-dependence. The roots of the independent state of mind ought to
first reach inward, toward the source of genuine nurturing, before beginning
the collection of life's outward acquisitions. Generally speaking, most
people are lost, trapped in the spoils of sensual offerings.
is not so much what you have but how what you have is acquired. The getting of
material things should be the extension of the soul's purposeful unfolding. Reaching
inwardly to gain instructions for the outward adventure in the material world
brings spiritual satisfaction in and through the material. Too much too soon
short-circuits the journey to character and voids the meaning of life. This
state, in turn, makes you vulnerable to the unseen forces working to steal
what little faith you have left.
they dare not confront us openly, the adversary attacks our heart's
attachments, our possessions, reputations and families. Slowly but surely they
try to wear your faith down. Heaven often allows your financial devastation
just to teach you that events do not just happen because you exist as the sole
decision-making entity. They happen through the inclination of your soul. The
misery that has doomed all individuals and civilizations alike keeps on
projecting through us all, replicating and complicating our collective hells.
Where would the human race be were it not for the intuitions and sacrifices of
the noble few.
we obey our noblest instincts, good comes through. When we fail, disaster
follows. We are all conduits being acted through. We are arrayed in battle
against one another. There exists no will of our own, as we have been taught.
We are pawns of opposing wills. Free will is inherently an ego delusion of
grandeur. We are free only from the realization that we are willing servants
or unwitting slaves. Through our embrace comes the will of one or the other.
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